Plant based skincare developed by dermatologists.

We combine botanical science with dermatological expertise to develop cosmetic products that make your skin healthy and beautiful. By working together with your skin – helping boost its own protection and regeneration capabilities – our plant-based formulas provide effective care with long-lasting results.



VioPark ecological plantation is a unique project launched by Daac-Hermes holding group and by its subsidiary company Viorica, for the purpose of growing ecologically clean plants according to the principles of permaculture. The project was developed and implemented with the support of Sepp Holzer – an international expert on ecological farming, recognized as a world leader in permaculture.
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Plant based skincare developed by dermatologists. We combine botanical science with dermatological expertise to develop cosmetic products that make your skin healthy and beautiful. By working together with your skin – helping boost its own protection and regeneration capabilities – our plant-based formulas provide effective care with long-lasting results. EFFECTIVE PROVEN BYCLINICAL STUDIES CLEAN FREE […]
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Plant based skincare developed by dermatologists. We combine botanical science with dermatological expertise to develop cosmetic products that make your skin healthy and beautiful. By working together with your skin – helping boost its own protection and regeneration capabilities – our plant-based formulas provide effective care with long-lasting results. EFFECTIVE PROVEN BYCLINICAL STUDIES CLEAN FREE […]
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Plant based skincare developed by dermatologists. We combine botanical science with dermatological expertise to develop cosmetic products that make your skin healthy and beautiful. By working together with your skin – helping boost its own protection and regeneration capabilities – our plant-based formulas provide effective care with long-lasting results. EFFECTIVE PROVEN BYCLINICAL STUDIES CLEAN FREE […]
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Activează-ți starea de bine cu #21Collagen! 🍊
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Pentru un stil de viață sănătos și o stare de bine pe termen lung, alege 21 Collagen! Un supliment alimentar lichid, fără zahăr, arome artificiale sau OMG, produs în UE.
Inovație în reducerea ridurilor!

Capsulele pentru Rejuvenarea Fundamentală cu 0,05% retinal, ceramide, peptide și vitamina A, acționează sinergic pentru a diminua ridurile și liniile fine, a reduce hiperpigmentarea, a spori elasticitatea și a stimula regenerarea celulară.

Simte puterea rejuvenării în fiecare capsulă! ✨
Riduri, linii fine și lipsă de strălucire? 
Include în rutina ta de îngrijire noile Capsule pentru Rejuvenarea Fundamentală! 

• Reduc apariția liniilor fine și a ridurilor;
• Cresc elasticitatea și fermitatea pielii;
• Hidratează intens;
• Îmbunătățesc strălucirea pielii;
• Reduc vizibilitatea porilor;
• Diminuează hiperpigmentarea;

Oferă pielii tale îngrijirea pe care o merită! 🤩
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